Sunday, September 28, 2008

I'm better than you Jesus

Okay just kidding about the title. Anywhoo...

Luke 23:39-43

39One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: "Aren't you the Christ? Save yourself and us!" 40But the other criminal rebuked him. "Don't you fear God," he said, "since you are under the same sentence? 41We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong." 42Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." 43Jesus answered him, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise."

One day when I was reading random things in the Bible. I know I'm weird. I really have no structured Bible reading schedule but the way I do it suits me and I find things. Anyways I digress. This verse, when you carefully look at it, is extremely moving. For those of you that know me you know that I tend to think in a less than positive way. I am easily discouraged, and get hurt very easily. It's easy for me to cry out to God and say "Save me!! I can't do this! I give up! Get me out of here!" It's easy to think that God doesn't know what I'm going through, that he doesn't understand. How that makes sense to me is... well... beyond me. As I grow in my faith (that has been left alone for way too long) I find more and more verses to help me through the pain (James 1:2-8). God does not leave us alone. And I can do it. It may be hard but it can be done and done well. 

When you look at Luke 23:39-43 you see that Jesus is suffering as much as the two criminals. Crucifixion was not a graceful way to die. The person (in this case Jesus) condemned to die was forced to carry a very splintery, heavy, wooden cross on their back, which had been ripped to shreds by a glass and other sharp objects, sometimes to the point of the intestines being shown. Once they reached the point where they were to be executed was then either tied to the cross with a rope or nails were driven through their wrists. The feet were then nailed to the cross as well. The person on the cross eventually died of blood loss, infection, dehydration, etc. The theory used for Jesus was that his heart exploded from strain. It was not a fun way to die (is it ever?). When you realize this you must think of all the pain Jesus was going through. Much more than being lonely or feeling left out.

Not only was he physically hurting, he was spiritually and emotionally hurting. Even though he knew that his best friends (the disciples) were going to leave him it had to have emotionally hurt a lot. Spiritually, I can’t think of anything more painful than having God, our Lord and Savior abandon me (Mark 16:34). So as I think I’ve established, Jesus was hurting. In defense of the first criminal, I would have asked him the same thing, if I had not known the plan. “Jesus, You are Lord. Why do You not save Yourself?” I would have wondered why he, King of the World did not save himself. We know now that it was so that he may save our souls.

I am soo off topic. To finish what I tried to start saying, when you sit there feeling all emo and mad and what-not just think about Jesus on that cross. He’s God of the Universe. He did not save himself just because it hurt a lot. We are all lowly compared to him. Why would he save us just because it hurts a little? We at least have God still with us. He didn’t.  We are way ahead of him. What makes you think you are better than God? That the little pain you feel warrants instant healing? Jesus went through so much for us, why can't we go through a little bit to grow for him? I know that sounds a bit depressing but think about it.                                                                                                                           

Monday, September 8, 2008

Thoughts to think about

Lately I've been finding all these topics I would love to write about. One being the lyrics of "You Alone Can Satisfy" the other being on Luke 23:39-43, where we meet the two criminals that Jesus is crucified between. So my goal for the next three weeks, is that amongst all the craziness of hell week and programing and school and stress and what not, I will sit down and write on both of these topics. It probably won't but until after the play closes but I may work on it while I'm stuck at school doing nothing. Anyyy ways. Be expecting something new from me within the month. 